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App Settings

Leaf has lots of configurations which can be used to determine the way Leaf behaves in your application. You can check the config page for more information on how to set and get configs. This page will show you all the configs available in Leaf. Note that we will only cover the user-facing configs, configs that are used internally by Leaf will not be covered here.


This configuration tells Leaf whether to place your app in a maintenance like state. By default, this is set to false, but you can set it to true to place your app in a maintenance like state.

'app.down' => true

When your app is in a maintenance like state, Leaf will automatically load the down screen. You can customize this screen using Leaf's setDown method.

$app->setDown(function () {
  echo 'Custom Down Handler!';

You can read more about the down screen here.


By default, Leaf will display all errors and warnings you encounter while developing your app. However, when you're ready to deploy your app, you should turn off debugging to prevent users from seeing errors. You can do this by setting the debug config to false.

'debug' => false

Note that when you set debug to false, Leaf will automatically turn off error reporting and display a custom error page to users. You can customize this page using Leaf's setError method.

$app->setError(function () {
  echo "Custom Error Handler!";


Leaf has a built-in logger that can be used to log errors and other messages. You can check the logging page for more information on how to use Leaf's logger. This page will show you all the configs available for Leaf's logger.

To get started, make sure you have the logger module installed. Once installed, you should have access to a logger() method on the Leaf instance. You can use this method to access Leaf's logger if you want to manually log messages.

$app->logger()->info('Hello World!');

Below are all the configs available for Leaf's logger:


This enables or disables Leaf’s logger. You need to set this to true to enable logging.

'log.enabled' => true

Note that if log.enabled is set to false. Leaf will skip initializing anything related to logs, as such, you won't have access to $app->logger(), $app->log or $app->logWriter.


This tells leaf which directory to save and look for logs.

'log.dir' => __DIR__ . '/logs/'


This setting tells leaf which file to write logs to.

'log.file' => 'crashes.log'

By default, Leaf will write logs to a file named log.txt.


Leaf has these log levels:

  • \Leaf\Log::EMERGENCY
  • \Leaf\Log::ALERT
  • \Leaf\Log::CRITICAL
  • \Leaf\Log::ERROR
  • \Leaf\Log::WARN
  • \Leaf\Log::NOTICE
  • \Leaf\Log::INFO
  • \Leaf\Log::DEBUG

The log.level application setting determines which logged messages will be honored and which will be ignored. For example, if the log.level setting is \Leaf\Log::INFO, debug messages will be ignored while info, warn, error, and fatal messages will be logged.

This option takes in a boolean and determines whether Leaf should create the specified log file if it doesn't exist.


Use a custom log writer to direct logged messages to the appropriate output destination. By default, Leaf’s logger will write logged messages to STDERR. If you use a custom log writer, it must implement this interface:

public write(mixed $message, int $level);

The write() method is responsible for sending the logged message (not necessarily a string) to the appropriate output destination (e.g. a text file, a database, or a remote web service). The $level argument is one of the log levels listed above.

'log.writer' => new \My\LogWriter()


The relative or absolute path to the filesystem directory that contains your Leaf application’s view files.

'views.path' => './views'


When using a view engine, this config tells Leaf where to store cached views.

'views.cachePath' => './views/cache'
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